
Physical Therapy

Need physical therapy? Let me come to you.

I deliver services in your home or location of choice.

Schedule with me

Initial Evaluation

An evaluation with is a time to talk, examine, diagnose, and plan. I take a thorough subjective health history and listen to your concerns, questions, and learn about your goals. I’ll evaluate how you move and what may be driving your pain/concerns. You’ll leave your first appointment with a custom plan of care which includes educational handouts, therapeutic exercises, and tailored expertise.

Follow up session

Continuation of care management using therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular reeducation, modalities, and manual therapy.


Or choose à la carte options to get you back to your best

Dry needling (includes initial consultation and 1 body area)

Dry needling is a modality to address muscular pain and dysfunction by applying a thin, monofilament needle into muscular trigger points (aka knots).

Dry needling follow up (includes same body area targeted as initial evaluation)

Running Gait Analysis and Gait Retraining

If you’ve dealt with a chronic injury or are looking for ways to run more efficiently, running gait analysis is a great option. This includes a subjective history, a hands-on assessment of strength and flexibility, slow-motion video capture of gait, detailed education of your gait mechanics and gait retraining strategies. Therapeutic exercises prescribed (if needed).

Telehealth option available.

Gait Analysis & Retraining Follow up

Check-in about gait retraining, secondary comparative gait analysis and recording, progression of strengthening exercises (if applicable), progressions of gait retraining cues (if applicable)

Telehealth option available

Run Coaching

Are you training for a race or want to start your running journey? Have an expert guide you through safe and effective training that is tailored to your needs.

Return-to-Running training plan

Have you recovered from an injury and are ready to begin running again, but don’t know where to start? This is a time to get the process right to minimize the risk of re-injury and get back to your mileage goals safely. I will create a detailed plan to get you back to where you want to be.

Telehealth option available.

Customized Home Exercise Program

A concise, evidence-based home program to fit your needs. This option is great for anyone seeking injury prevention strategies for sport, as part of a pre-surgical strengthening plan, or if you’ve plateaued with your current home exercise program.

Manual therapy for 30 mins

Can include soft tissue massage, manual traction/distraction, joint mobilizations, etc to 1 area e.g. low back, lower leg, shoulder)

Strategy call

Not sure what you need? Schedule a 15 min complimentary call or Zoom with me to discuss the best options for you.